Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roberto Bolle: An Athlete in Tights

Roberto Bolle: An Athlete in Tights Overview

First recognized by Rudolf Nureyev, Roberto Bolle is renowned for his athletic ability, stylistic grace and a sizzling movie star presence. Possessing broad appeal, his performances draw acclaim from the dance world and general public alike. This stunning book is the culmination of a three-year collaboration between Bolle and the photogrpahic superstar Bruce Weber. Weber's masterful images capture the dazzling charisma of a world-class talent.

Customer Reviews

Weber begins the book with recollections that give context to his well known affinity for raw physicality and its potential if shaped through rigor and discipline. It is accented by pictures of young athletes in a state of "flow" and heralds the photo essay of Bolle that is to follow. That photo essay is breathtaking. Page by page, Bolle is revealed to be an exquisite athlete and model. From soft glamour shots (not out of place in the day of Fairbanks and Garbo) to frozen moments from the stage to hard, angular takes of human architecture against industrial designs, Weber invites us to see, again and again, the poetry in athletic form, the refinement in supreme physical mastery, and the beauty in mature masculine expression. The pages of solo and group pictures are punctuated by comments from Bolle and a few quotes from the likes of DH Lawrence and Einstein. (Oh yeah, and a recipe: go figure.) Whether tying his shoes, frolicking on the beach or stretching langorously in mirror image to a classical statue, Bolle and Weber never fail to give us an image, sinewy and virile, that enlightens us about the potential of the male form . . . or more simply, our ability to still be delighted even in this age of abundance and redundancy.

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